Join in with Christians around the world
as we pray “Come Holy Spirit”


Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for the days between Ascension. Through the centuries Christians have gathered at this time to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ picks up this tradition.

Over the years more and more worshipping communities have dedicated the days between Ascension and Pentecost to pray ‘Come Holy Spirit’. This praying together has been across our diversity and differences as every person, household and church are encouraged to pray in their own way. Here are some resources which might help you on your journey.


Praying the Psalms

Click on the image above to download a booklet of Psalms and reflections to use for a 10 minute daily prayer time.

Prayer Journal

Do you like to write and reflect as you pray? This journal gives you reflections on different aspects of prayer and space to write your own thoughts. Click on the image to download.


Amazing Grace

Why not pray with music, along with people from around the world, in this song recorded for Thy Kingdom Come and Pentecost 2020.