Join us for our Holy Week and Easter Celebrations


Palm Sunday

11am - Holy Communion

for all the family


Maundy Thursday

7pm - Remembering the Last Supper
We share the story of Jesus’ last night and the first Communion

Good Friday

9:30am - 10:30am Good Friday Special - a family-friendly telling of the story with Hot Cross buns, coffee and craft from 9.30 & short interactive service at 10am.

10:45-11:30 - Walk of Witness - an ecumenical walk with the cross, with songs and readings

2pm - Last Hour at the Cross - a reflective service of silence, song and readings.


Easter Sunday

6am Dawn Service, Clapton Barn


9.30am Easter Communion, St James


11am - Easter Communion, St Lawrence

a service of celebration for all the family - with colouring/craft for children.