Knowing we had stewardship of a building loved and used by many over the years was a responsibility we felt keenly: working out exactly what we needed and why took 18 months to work through, before we began asking the Diocese for permission, finally going out to tender in Summer 2016.
A major 8 month re-ordering project began in January 2017, to make the interior more suited to the needs of the Church family and parish today.
The alterations were all carried out using high quality materials and executed with outstanding craftsmanship and skill. The contemporary features were sympathetically applied in consideration of the age and existing beauty of the church building.
We celebrated our re-opening in August 2017 with a service led by the Rt Revd Robert Springett, Bishop of Tewkesbury.
Hard work - but worth it!
The worship continues…

Main Changes…
The main entrance has been moved to the West door and the glass doors provide a stunning view through the South aisle to the high altar.
A small meeting room has been created in the north-west corner and a staircase to the balcony above provides additional space & seating.
Our kitchen & toilet facilities are much improved enabling us to serve refreshments with ease.
The new pale coloured Cotswold stone floor and clean stonework has lightened the whole space - adding to the feeling of peace - whilst the under-floor heating system provides a higher level of comfort in winter.
Removing pews from the North aisle means we now have a flexible area for seating, our toddler group, events, exhibitions and refreshments.
JND from Cirencester were a pleasure to work with, and many other local contractors played their part. For example, we were able to purchase the new chairs for the North Aisle from Race Furniture on the Industrial Estate & Hacklings moved a large quantity of very heavy items for us on a number of occasions. Many of the congregation have dusted, tidied and sorted as we've gone along with the resulting worship space, meeting room, kitchen, balcony, refurbished pews (yes, they are the same ones!) combining to give us a stunning piece of craftmanship fully in harmony with the beautiful building of before.
We still can't quite believe we have done it and that this really is our Parish Church!