The Chancel
The oldest part of St Lawrence’s Church is the Chancel, built by an early benefactor, Walter de Burhton in 1328, replacing an earlier Saxon/Norman one. On the south side of the east wall is an aumbry (or communion cupboard) and above it traces of a stone bracket on which probably stood a statue of the patron saint. The bracket was discovered in 1874 when the huge Classic altar-piece of 1784 was removed, at which time traces were found of a mural painting round the East Window. Since then there has been evidence found of painting from Elizabethan times.
South Wall
On the south wall of the sanctuary is a window from the early 14th century with a matching one further down the south wall of the Choir; and between is a priest’s door of the same period. The eastern-most window contains a level sedilia (window seat for assistant priests or servers) and beyond it a piscina where cruets of wine and water may be placed for use in Holy Communion. In modern times an oak door has been added to the aumbry.
The shields on the ceiling, repeated in the oak screens, recall the Patrons of the Parish – Evesham Abbey, Lord Chandos, De Clare Earl of Gloucester (St Peter’s crossed keys), the Provincial Arms of Canterbury, Elizabeth I, and Wadham College, Oxford; a current patron.
The Heraldic Devices of this Church
The stone statue in the Chancel was carved and donated by Ernest Haines in 1967.
Patron Saint
Our church is named after St Lawrence, whose Patronal Festival falls on the 10th August.
He is the patron saint of many things:
Archivists-Armourers-Brewers-Butchers-Chefs-Comedians-Confectioners-Cooks-Cutlers-Deacons-Glaziers-Laundry workers-Librarians-Miners-Paupers-Restaurateurs-Schoolchildren-Seminarians-Stained glass workers-Students-Tanners-Vine Growers-Vitners-Wine Makers
Collect for St Lawrence
Almighty God, who made Lawrence a loving servant of your people and a wise steward of the treasures of your Church: fire us with his example to love as he loved and to walk in the way that leads to eternal life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen