The Carillon & Chimes were placed in the Tower in 1911. The chimes sound every quarter of an hour; the carillon plays a tune every three hours from 6am to 9pm.

The tunes were obviously congregational favourites at the time and were sung to the following words from the English Hymnal:

SUNDAY *We love the place, O God * Tune = Quam Dilecta ( EH Words No.508

MONDAY *Christians, seek not yet repose * Tune = Vigilate ( EH Words No.374

TUESDAY *The sun is sinking fast *  Tune = St. Columba ( EH Words No.280

WEDNESDAY *To the name that brings salvation* Tune = Greenville ( EH Words No.507

THURSDAY *Christ is gone up* Tune = St David (C.M.) EH Words No.166

FRIDAY *Sweet the moments, rich in blessing* Tune = Batty ( EH Words No.105

SATURDAY *Days and moments quickly flying* Tune = St. Sylvester ( EH Words No. 382

The bells are in the key of F sharp

                              cwts       qrs          lbs

No. 1     F#           3             3             18

No. 2     F             4             1             10

No. 3     D#          4             1             17

No. 4     C#          5             1             6

No. 5     B             6             1             20

No. 6     A#          7             0             22

No. 7     G#          9             1             9

Tenor    F#           12           1             12


The inscriptions are as follows:

Nos.1 and 2:  1914 In cherished memory of Lucy, the beloved and devoted wife of Edward UDAL of this parish fell asleep January 1909 buried at Leckhampton

No.3 Anthony COLLETT Gent my great benefactor A.R. 1718

No.4 AKERMAN and Richard FOX churchwardens 1737

No.5 Thomas LAMBERT Joseph PAYNE churchwardens 1717 recast 1910

No.6 William FOX Giles VENFIELD Anthony COLLETT overseers 1650

No.7 Charles and John RUDHALL Fecit 1783

No.8 Peel of 8 Bells recast and rehung by John Taylor Loughborough 1957


In 1957 the bells were recast and rehung, by Messrs John Taylor of Loughborough. The old wooden frame had become warped and shaky; some of the bells were badly worn, and they were very far out of tune. The bell metal was redistributed and recast into eight new bells, which were rehung in an iron frame. At the same time the hammers and wires in the carillon and chimes were renewed. There are four hammers to each of six bells, three for the carillon and one for the chimes, and a striker for tolling the tenor bell. The total cost of all this work was £2,045: £1,762 for recasting and rehanging the bells, £205 for the carillon and chimes, and £78 for builders work, fixing the iron frame in the Tower. The bells were rededicated by the Bishop of Gloucester on Sunday November 22nd, 1957 at Morning Service.

No major work had been undertaken since 1957, so it was decided in 2016 to have a thorough inspection and overhaul in order to ensure the bells are in good order for the next fifty years. The work was appropriately undertaken by Taylor’s of Loughborough. The iron frame was rubbed down and repainted and all worn parts were repaired or replaced at a cost of £18,590. 


The Clock: The diamond-shaped clock of 1785 was upgraded in 1911 by Smiths of Derby with a Westminster chime clock.

Smiths continue to maintain both the clock and carillon.